29 December 2008

Outdated entry..

After chasing these pics for a year...Da da.. I finally got these pics last night from Jade. Thank lots!! Missed those days so much =) Crazy us with the theme party. Hollywood Night 2007

Left to right Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton
Lindsay lohan, Ashlee Simpson, Gwen Stefani
Mary Kate Olsen and Angelica Jolie.... I lost in the game. Lindsay lohan and Mary kate didn't manage to dress as close as the pic we submit for this game. Oh well...
the 8 of us, Lin En on MC I think... My forfeit.. Take 3 pics with the people chilling out at MOS... Kind of easy....I managed to complete the tasks within 10min =)
Cam-whoring in our room before heading to Fish&Co for Dinner.
A night to remember indeed. Oh well, time flies this event was held last year early Dec to celebrate my belated birthday and farewell for Cherlyn. Hope to have more outings with them and Happy Friends before all are tied up with commitments.... Bless us =)
Cheers to 2009! Au revoir to 2008
Hope my plans will go smoothly next year. Pray...
New record. Awake since 6pm...20+hours no wink. Went to Yan Hui's Hostel last night, ate subway, drank a little, played Wii to test our body-age. My score... 52 years old compared to the rest 62 and 80years old.. lolx So am I healthy or just better than them in Wii sports? Hee...

03 December 2008


Met up with Lee theng this morning to go for the OSEA exhibition. Saw our NYP lecturer Mr Quek while we were on our way there. Next we saw another familiar face from far!!Looks like the younger version of Mr Goh.... As usual outing with li ting will bring continuous laughter thru out the day.... you will know why later.
She msg to Happy friends regards to the 13th Dec meet up. Cody's reply amused her. So she msg cody
'Why? U nv go there for excursion ar? Haha.'
No reply from cody so I msg the exact thing to cody.
Guess what? He was surprised to see me sending him the exact msg tt lt has sent! So he msg both of us
How come both you shu mei and li ting reply e same thing one sia haha it's just very long nv go liao ma haha
The last msg we sent to cody together before he called me up.
Is it?Haha...Cos we're happy friends=)

Timing was so perfect. The train stopped at Marina bay for about 5min and he called up. I was so afraid that the PA system will spoils our plan anytime. I lied that I was working and even challenged him to talk to loh yun to prove I'm at work. When he asked how come I send him 'Why? U nv go there for excursion ar? Haha.' out of sudden..I thought my explanation going to end this prank. He accepted my explanation even when i kept erm..eh...I'm not a prof con woman like cow girl! haha.. I have to say that timing for liting to call cody was perfect. Coz the PA system sound came out to prove liting indeed was inside the train.. haha..
She keep insisting Cody's phone got problem because he received the same msg from two different sender. Oh well. Your good friend LT's idea. =)
The below video will let you know what's going on. Haha We did apologize to him at the end of the video haha...

Happy birthday to me =)

Goodbye November

November ended faster than I expect. So does how the time works.

Had a great day with my 2 nephews and a niece in Jurong Island. Rare chance to have small kids here, so I apply for permit to bring them to visit my workplace. It's actually 3 millions safe man hours celebration cum Family day.

As we need to catch the co. transport, these kids got to wake up early.

See my eldest nephew with his art piece =)

Si ya Javier Jarren's helmet

Javier seems unhappy haha
Tiring day?? Nah... they are conserving their energy for shopping spree later on.. haha

I won the 4th prize for the lucky draw!! 250 dollars metro voucher hee.... The kids are the real winners coz the vouchers are all used up to buy toys ....

See ......

Uno games, some transformer toys.. SO BORING.....

Reunion with my band mates after 2 yrs plus didn't meet up...only smses....
26th Nov supposed to work morning coz OT but gave it to others. Don't wish to ill treat myself with work all the time especially when there's appointment with old friends/buddies. Melvin, Xuefen and me. 3 of us only but brought back alot of fond memories back in those school days when I was in the symphonic band. Melvin shared with us alot of stuffs that xuefen and me don't know haha....As promised, this dinner was on me as I last min fly aeroplane on the 6th nov.
Really glad to have them back in my life coz believe it or not, back in school days I wasn't interested in academic, or put it in a nicer way priority goes to my CCA followed by studies. Most of the memories back in sec school days are with them and the grp of sisters that are with me now.
Simple people, simple dinner,simple happiness.

09 November 2008

My Surname

For the past 2o years of my life, I have actually wrote Yellow wrongly

Was teaching my niece how to write her chinese name and realised that the way she wrote her surname was different from mine. Then my sis-in-law told me that Huang should have extra line coming out from the word tian 田 . So for the past 20 years of my life, I wrote my surname wrongly or is it both way also can? Tr Liting, qin jie da haha =)

My niece is only 6 years old. She knows my chinese name but somehow she forgotten my name. She even said I'm Huang Gu Gu (how niece/nephew address their father's sibling) Dotz....
Then she explored my wallet and found my identity card. There she goes, Huang.. we shared the same surname, she asked me how to pronounce the 2nd word of my name. When comes to the last word, she's quite confident and pronounced it as 海 (Hai/sea) when it is supposed to be Mei 梅). 海 and 梅 haha, 有邊讀邊, 沒邊讀旁邊 .

02 November 2008


If I can invest my money now and have let say 5 times return, I would probably have enough money to go overseas for further studies =)

Ex-chemist from my co. opted for that route. 1 year overseas education will give you a Degree cert. Oh well, seriously it's very tempting. On the other hand, not many ppl will respect that kind of 1 year degree. Seriously I don't know how a year education can be compared to Singapore 4 years of edu in order to achieve the degree cert. Maybe I've yet to meet one that makes me positive abt getting degree overseas ba. Being in this industries for a year plus, realized that change is constant.. to the extend you might be dissapointed with one when one becomes the management. Oh well, meybe I've yet to meet good examples so sound abit negative.. maybe that's life.

I've also decided to give a shot to try the NUS B-tech programme if let say the mgmt approve. Hope that they alright to give in to me coz I also help them to complete the pj when there's no QA specialist to cover the ENV monitoring job. Wishful thinking hor..haha...
Not able to attend the Nov - Dec's math prog for the foundation so hopefullyJan-Feb one can attend coz it's next year. If I were to change team AGAIN, it will be unfair for some. Aiyah worst come to worst find other jobs ba...coz current savings think enough for the B-Tech course if govt subsidies are still available and most impt if I can get in to this course. Need to go thru the interview not as easy as I thought!

November is here....Goodbye to October! I've learnt quite a lot during October at work which I've missed out during July and August while having Micro Pj on hands. Hope for a fruitful November month like cutting the column, troubleshooting the GCs although I love the LC more.. Oh ya, this month going for micro training...17-Nov..my off day nvm lah.. can come back for training still get paid is good enough leh....Jia you happy friends Seriously I hope we can meet once a month at least for games/movie/Neoprint coz I don't rem. taking NeoPrint with you guys... Year 1 that time you all took with SH.... I was at CWP playing pool haha. haha...

26 October 2008

Something to Share

I find this website pretty useful. Although haven't tried getting the samples but at least the reviews from users are useful!

Mum's Graduation

Last Sunday was Mum's graduation! Mummy signed up for a 90hr lessons together with my 1st and 2nd gugu. Still remember 2 months back, she asked me to teach her how to pronounce some words from the English passage. Haha... For e.g. Same, she pronounced as Sim. Have a bit of hard time trying to correct her pronunciation. Hearing her trying to speak is quite amazing. Coz for the past 20 years of my life, don't really get to hear her speak English. Actually I felt abit weird to teach her pronounciation for well people around me knows that I seems to pronounce words wrongly quite often. Haha...that's when all the laughters started! Coz of me. You guys should thanks me to make you all laugh so much to the extend that helps you to burn calories to maintain your weight huh..

Even at work also... Daphne always call Gordon as Gou Dan (Dog's egg)..There's one incident whereby I was wanted to call him Gou Dan but felt bad and it turns out I pronounced Gou-Den sounds like Golden...sobz my colleagues started to laugh!!

Another time was Cab and Taxi.. Don't know to say Cab or Taxi in the end, words come out from me will be Cabxi. Speaking unclearly is something I wish to kick off but it seems harder and harder to improve my pronounciation.

My colleagues said to me that Ni mei tian dou you bu tong de xiao dian... haha... I wear my shoes and safety boots slanted ma....xie xing..

Meeting my Happy Friends later!! Hippee...

Recently into Hot Shot.. So far I've watched til episode 14! Abit like slamdunk. My two nephews also watching the drama and we even discussed the scene while having breakfast at Mac. Yup, I brought them for ball games last Monday after having Mac's big breakfast. Missed the time having Mac in Poly. haha....