29 December 2008

Outdated entry..

After chasing these pics for a year...Da da.. I finally got these pics last night from Jade. Thank lots!! Missed those days so much =) Crazy us with the theme party. Hollywood Night 2007

Left to right Jessica Alba, Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton
Lindsay lohan, Ashlee Simpson, Gwen Stefani
Mary Kate Olsen and Angelica Jolie.... I lost in the game. Lindsay lohan and Mary kate didn't manage to dress as close as the pic we submit for this game. Oh well...
the 8 of us, Lin En on MC I think... My forfeit.. Take 3 pics with the people chilling out at MOS... Kind of easy....I managed to complete the tasks within 10min =)
Cam-whoring in our room before heading to Fish&Co for Dinner.
A night to remember indeed. Oh well, time flies this event was held last year early Dec to celebrate my belated birthday and farewell for Cherlyn. Hope to have more outings with them and Happy Friends before all are tied up with commitments.... Bless us =)
Cheers to 2009! Au revoir to 2008
Hope my plans will go smoothly next year. Pray...
New record. Awake since 6pm...20+hours no wink. Went to Yan Hui's Hostel last night, ate subway, drank a little, played Wii to test our body-age. My score... 52 years old compared to the rest 62 and 80years old.. lolx So am I healthy or just better than them in Wii sports? Hee...

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