02 November 2008


If I can invest my money now and have let say 5 times return, I would probably have enough money to go overseas for further studies =)

Ex-chemist from my co. opted for that route. 1 year overseas education will give you a Degree cert. Oh well, seriously it's very tempting. On the other hand, not many ppl will respect that kind of 1 year degree. Seriously I don't know how a year education can be compared to Singapore 4 years of edu in order to achieve the degree cert. Maybe I've yet to meet one that makes me positive abt getting degree overseas ba. Being in this industries for a year plus, realized that change is constant.. to the extend you might be dissapointed with one when one becomes the management. Oh well, meybe I've yet to meet good examples so sound abit negative.. maybe that's life.

I've also decided to give a shot to try the NUS B-tech programme if let say the mgmt approve. Hope that they alright to give in to me coz I also help them to complete the pj when there's no QA specialist to cover the ENV monitoring job. Wishful thinking hor..haha...
Not able to attend the Nov - Dec's math prog for the foundation so hopefullyJan-Feb one can attend coz it's next year. If I were to change team AGAIN, it will be unfair for some. Aiyah worst come to worst find other jobs ba...coz current savings think enough for the B-Tech course if govt subsidies are still available and most impt if I can get in to this course. Need to go thru the interview not as easy as I thought!

November is here....Goodbye to October! I've learnt quite a lot during October at work which I've missed out during July and August while having Micro Pj on hands. Hope for a fruitful November month like cutting the column, troubleshooting the GCs although I love the LC more.. Oh ya, this month going for micro training...17-Nov..my off day nvm lah.. can come back for training still get paid is good enough leh....Jia you happy friends Seriously I hope we can meet once a month at least for games/movie/Neoprint coz I don't rem. taking NeoPrint with you guys... Year 1 that time you all took with SH.... I was at CWP playing pool haha. haha...

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