26 October 2008

Mum's Graduation

Last Sunday was Mum's graduation! Mummy signed up for a 90hr lessons together with my 1st and 2nd gugu. Still remember 2 months back, she asked me to teach her how to pronounce some words from the English passage. Haha... For e.g. Same, she pronounced as Sim. Have a bit of hard time trying to correct her pronunciation. Hearing her trying to speak is quite amazing. Coz for the past 20 years of my life, don't really get to hear her speak English. Actually I felt abit weird to teach her pronounciation for well people around me knows that I seems to pronounce words wrongly quite often. Haha...that's when all the laughters started! Coz of me. You guys should thanks me to make you all laugh so much to the extend that helps you to burn calories to maintain your weight huh..

Even at work also... Daphne always call Gordon as Gou Dan (Dog's egg)..There's one incident whereby I was wanted to call him Gou Dan but felt bad and it turns out I pronounced Gou-Den sounds like Golden...sobz my colleagues started to laugh!!

Another time was Cab and Taxi.. Don't know to say Cab or Taxi in the end, words come out from me will be Cabxi. Speaking unclearly is something I wish to kick off but it seems harder and harder to improve my pronounciation.

My colleagues said to me that Ni mei tian dou you bu tong de xiao dian... haha... I wear my shoes and safety boots slanted ma....xie xing..

Meeting my Happy Friends later!! Hippee...

Recently into Hot Shot.. So far I've watched til episode 14! Abit like slamdunk. My two nephews also watching the drama and we even discussed the scene while having breakfast at Mac. Yup, I brought them for ball games last Monday after having Mac's big breakfast. Missed the time having Mac in Poly. haha....

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