22 September 2008

Happy News

13th Months in the company. After many months of procrastination, I finally have the courage to go for this progression. Progression for my first level. A year plus in this industry [including attachment during poly days], no longer a trainee hee... but still a long way to go ya..

Took an hour to complete this test. I've learnt alot during this progression as Boss [examiner ha ha] furnish me with more knowledge throughout the whole session. Not too sure was it too long for my case, some took twice half an hour interval each...Manage to pass this progression for the first try due luck and hardwork =) Yippee. Despite some hiccups here and there, I guessed my performance overall was satisfactory ha ha...

I don't denied the fact at times my learning curve slowed down due to complacency. Regretted some decisions I've made too.... Blame it on myself for being too playful haha. but too serious at work also boring leh. In life, you gained some, you will lose some... so alright la =)

Heard that the micro training for analysis of water/swab will be conducted by SGS's microbiologist... wat a small world..[Poly attachment place] Hope that can go for this training during shutdown period, best time to absorb new things as lesser workload lesser stress... woohoo...

Shutdown period now...
To do list...
Finish up the last bit of my assignment for micro stuffs.
Research for my ... next step..

Last but not least,
A very happy birthday to all September Babies out there
Mandy 19-Sep
Chin Mei 23-Sep
Lin En 26-Sep

Looking forward to the next outing for Happy Friends...the last time when everyones present was during May...after I came back from HK, Army boys back from TW...

Hope this coming Sentosa trip all can make it =) yup..

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