14 October 2007

Shu Mei @ Work


How I wish I can go overseas with Happy Friends or even my secondary school mates....

Mummy going to Shang Hai with Aunts... So lucky of her... I will be sending her off. Still remember 10 years back or so.... I cried so hard when she went to China. So dumb of me to cry til my eyes swollen. haha..

Thanks Stephanie for willingly to exchange shift with me so that I can send mummy off at Airport on this coming 18th !

Colleagues at Tate and Lyle are great =) Enjoying it. Although the thoughts of dangerous chemicals that we are in touch with is terrifying but well, still have to go through it. Hope everybody is safe at work! Looking forward to November. Big Celebration for ZERO LTI. not Li Ting I...... is Lost Time Incident.

Working Night Shift later... Better catch some sleep ya~ Will Update again soon =) Hopefully...

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