30 November 2007

Playful week. lol

Yes, it's the 3 of us from NYP

Toilet Break.

Silly us with the name-tag on our hair.
me still have that student look. Studious! haha

Stephanie looks like a nurse.
Missi Tay

As for this...hm... Vampire Cloud. haha

Thanks for power shutdown at the correct timing. If not I will be working night shift now. Hee... Work and Play...with these ppl around, probably work and play is the same =)

Yup, I'm having fun now as now is the shut down period but well, going to start up on the 4th Dec... no much time left to 'slack' in the lab.

Tuesday - Bowling session with colleagues as a farewell to Plant mgr. Sad to see 2 QA ppl last min put aeroplanes but we did enjoy the games haha... mine highest score is 72 with 1 spare. so pathetic.. argh..

Embracing the last few more days in my 19... lol

Looking forward to the gathering this sat, hm.. although not full attendance but better than nothing =) Will organise one more hopefully full attendance

Also... secondary school crazy party. haha.. to me but not to them. bwg.

December... Mu Nan Ri (4-Dec-1987) Mum and Dad's 31st Wedding Anniversary(19-Dec-1976) Dad's Birthday (25-Dec X'mas) .. hee..Festive season. Month of giving. Looking forward.

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