21 August 2008

A year .... so fast

Time flies huh..In this technical line for a year plus. So far so good, although working life, we can't avoid to have a little politics here and there. Seeing people joining and leaving becomes a norm, 2 IA students left us on the 15-Aug. 2 young kids who make the environment more lively. Happy with their performance, glad that you guys really learnt a lot from the process chemist. Lucky you! lol...

Funny quote from the Process guys

Drink Coke Zero, accident will be zero.

Lame huh...but you can't deny the fact that it's because of these silly lame jokes that make the working day seems short.

I've been busy for the past 2 months, taking extra duties really make me kind lack of rest, need to follow up with results, report to mgr etc.... then for the month of August is to vomit out the things that I've learnt to the new colleague. hm...oh well!

For the month of August, the most fulfilling thing I've accomplished...brought my niece and nephews to Night Safari. Night Safari outing with my colleagues, guess that all of us really enjoy the companies of the 3 kids, who brought us laughter with their silly actions. I was perspiring throughout the whole trip; chasing after the 2 little boys as they are running and walking way too fast than the adults plus my niece keep asking me to carry her. In the end, 2 out of 3 kids doze off during the animal show [too tired haha]. Then need to trouble my colleague to carry one of the boy for me. One good way to lose weight is to look after small kids..haha

No pics taken for that day duh! My E65 batt flat =(

08-08-08 a small gathering at grandma's house. My little cousins and the little kids from my 2 brothers haha.. [reminds me of 07-07-07, K session with happy friends]

17-Aug-08 12am
First visit to The Arena @ Clarke Quay, I likes the live band it's really nice. If I were to visit that place again, I will bring my ear plugs along to reduce the chances of me going deaf @ young age hahaha..

Hope to have more family & friends gathering...
Coz.. it's precious moments....

Fastfood delivery ordered so far....
933 Golden Pillow. Sakae Sushi. Mac. KFC. Pizza hut.

Mos Burger.
I'm left with BK, LJS and subway to complete the fastfood lists haha...

Unhealthy me =( hope to hit 45kg so that I can donate blood ! jia you!

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