28 July 2008

QA Team Building

Last year, Daphne and I was the 'organiser' for QA team building. We played paintball which we split into 2 groups. It turns out to be a painful experience as many of us left the warzone with small bruises/ blue black lol. Not all are happy about the games esp the ex-female colleague of ours. lolx..

This year, both of us suggested a few activities like Forest Adventure / chalet etc...due to unforeseen circumstances that the shutdown period is less than a day, we ended up going to ECP for cycling instead.

Never did I expect the IA students to plan team building games for us. I personally finds that it is a successful one compared to last year. One team not two this time round. Although the games that we played are simple like passing rubber bands using toothpick / Frisbee / guessing games / dog and bone / last obstacles which was held at the fitness corner/ walking in a straight line after turning 5 rounds....etc

simple games yet bring lots of laughter and definitely a day to remember! Not to forget some of the ideas from my outside circles also contributed to this team building activities.

Cycled from one end to the other, not too sure is it because the bicycle is good or what, all of us don't feel the ache at our thighs. Missed cycling so much. Still remember that day I got my 'cyclist license' was during class bbq at ECP back in 2006. Finally break zero for cycling in the year 2008.

It's only when you are thankful with what you have and count blessings, you've learnt to appreciate the little things in life =) Maybe...

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