06 August 2007

No longer the .....

Life...is full of ups and downs...

Was working til quite late as Smiga Ailcdrh was shorthanded. Think back....it is because of those 'late nights' then I am closer to them. I thought that it was due to age gap that makes me feel being isolated in that place. Probably, never in my life, I am so introverted. ha ha

We celebrated ATAN's birthday on the 19th July. Seeing her making wish on her birthday makes me envious. Suddenly, I wish that I can do the same, I really need one. I closed my eyes, thinking back 1 - 2 years ago, the things that happened which makes me feel that no point celebrating. The thought of escape. The fear of celebrating birthday there. The thoughts of making a wish from my belated birthday. =) I didn't know that it already happen before I even make the wish.

Was too busy to even read the message from my E65.

-BUSY til no goals-
When the truth is out, how well can you handle? When opportunity is in front of you, you can't see it and most of the time it is hidden. In life, we tend to lose some and gain some. This is very true. A few of the taxi driver who is more vocal actually shared their stories with me =) I am glad to be their listener. Taking taxi back home can be fun and fulfilling. But not by a new taxi driver NEVER.....

Friday night

Taxi driver: You seldom take cab?
Shu Mei: Yup, you are right. This is my first time taking cab back from here.
Taxi driver: Are you a local?
Shu Mei: Yes, I am.
Taxi driver: Hardly local will take the front seat, mostly Caucasian [Yes I took the front seat instead of the back seat. Someone told me that it is a form of respect to seat in front]
Shu Mei: Oh okay. I did experienced once that I caught a taxi driver dozing off while driving. Therefore, I think it will be safer to take the front seat as I can check whether taxi driver is zzz.
Taxi driver: Oh.. he must be quite old ar..

When I shared this incident with my colleagues, they laughed.
When I shared it with my mum, she also laughed, she said only china ppl take the front seat.

(^^)(^0^)()()()()()()()()()()() nothing to fight back ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()

All in a day's work. We shared laughters, gossips, truth about the people on top, inconsiderate colleagues etc. Listener as I've nothing to say except a few encounters which really frightens me.

I know who I can trust. I only can admit that I am not observant enough. Words from her mouth are like the book from the fortune teller who can predicts the future. I see it with my own eyes. But it doesn't matter anymore. Heart was locked and ears was closed. No matter how much cushioning she and he(the person that I respect most there) gave, the results will still be the same. I got to be firm. If this is a loss to me, then I learnt my lesson the hard way. I shared with my 3rd bro.

Tried so hard to get out of the comfort zone, but is this place a good training ground? Depends on your luck. I've made up my mind on the 22nd. Then on the 23rd, she wanted to give me the position which is vacant because nerak quit. More challenging but I push it away for well I know what my heart wants. Of course, no point, since I won't be staying there for long. Frightened by her past deeds.

I can't weighed the loss/gain... I'm glad that I will be learning things which is related to my field of studies from NOW on. Cheers =)

After my 'wish' granted on that very day, I feel lighter. Take it as an excuse to leave a comfort zone. An opportunity which I would rather give up because I need sometime for myself, families and friends. Last but not least, my basic theory test of course, although I haven't touch the book =(

The hard work that I've put in since last year had turned out to be quite a satisfactory results, I reckon!

Fear is something we need to overcome yet we let it overcome us at times. Just do things with sincerity, even if the results are not to your expectations, at least you know you have give your best shot.

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