08 July 2008

My nice colleague Geraldine

Wondering how my other friends did for this IQ test. Well, this test was introduce by the IA gal. Nice and cute girl to be with, brightens up the dull life in the lab ha ha. 1st week of July has gone, someone said that I worked like a mule? 7 Days don't stop. Luckily out of these 7 days, 4 days are 12hours, 2 days worked till 5pm only and last one is cater for the assignment that was given to me which is to do Environment samplings while waiting for the new QA specialist to be in by mid july.

Farewell dinner was at Kushinbo, my first time there. So cool! Simply loves the kushinbo songs.. dom dom dom 1 2 3....We (steph, IA stud and me) arrived late as we decided to get geraldine some stuffs as farewell gift. So... in the end, the 4 of us were being splitted into 2 grp. Steph and me shared table with Plant Mgr and a/c mgr....Had a great time there, thanks the a/c mgr to give up his seat for swee fong the IA gal! We were greedy to bring back loads of cute desserts, couldn't finished it so play games to let loser eat the balance desserts on the plate.

The youngest group for this farewell dinner, I supposed we made a lot of noise over there. Other colleagues was curious at what we are playing. Then dave said that, these girls are trying to finish the food as there's a surcharge of $2/200gm. haha.. We didn't realize it actually. Amazed that he actually took the effort to read the terms and conditions..

1st July

Left to Right (Me, Gera, Steph)

Orange shawl from Steph.

Time flies, still remember back in June, she wanted to keep low profile that she's leaving. Then I happened to dream of her leaving. lolx..All the best to her. Hope to meet up with her 1 year later after she got her Degree cert =)

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