19 April 2008

DnD 2008

I was looking forward to this DnD, thought that we can have fun and continue our drinking session back in 28-Nov-07. Then, bit by bit, dissapointments hit me. First, Mr koh took back his words. He wanted to grant our wish but then because he DON'T WANT to work with someone so he ..... decided to go for DnD instead.

I was surprised to see her there. I was neutral, but then somehow when someone and her together I felt so disgusted. My lab buddy was betrayed by that innocence looking one. Thumbs up! We all treated you so well, tried to keep you involved in everything we do. You just remain silence and spread negativity around like telling us to leave from the day you join. I guess you are trying to lead by example to be the first one to leave. To me you are nice, someone able to talk to, we did have a good conversation in the past...oh well

Seriously, I was quite upset about your decision. Was thinking real hard which area we didn't do good enough to allow you to stay. I've look at the bigger picture, with your presence, you caused someone to overwork due to your lack of initiative to work.You are not lazy but you are just being ignorant because your career is no longer here. I didn't expect you to be so unprofessional. I still remember my ex-colleague actually praised me that I seems like doing the job better but never worse to cause them to clear my shit for me despite going to leave that company. Seems like you are a clone of her. The her which left and we felt the lab's atmosphere is good and getting better. haha but never did we expect she left behind a seed to continue the negativity.

Well, I'm glad these going to end soon. I am really glad. I just felt so stupid to defend for you when someone criticized you. I even quarelled with Mr. Koh about some matter that is related to you. To think that you make use of him to come for this DnD, not only that almost went for the GC training when you actually have the intention to tender. So attend the training and then leave the co. for good? Well, really can't imagine you are that capable. Salute to you. phew...

Still thanks you for your presence. It's because, your departure is another reason for us to celebrate.. celebrate that I can work with my lab buddy again.. the lab buddy that you had misused and betrayed and did something real bad. hmph

We are looking forward to be back in the same team again. We were praised by the manager before when her team did something wrong. A most senior team can't even compared to the most junior team (my team haha) =) I believe that day will come. Definitely, I will help to clear the bad reputation that you've put on my buddy. You caused her to overwork, you tarnished her good reputation, you simply make use of her to work and enjoys the shift allowance and salary just by washing the glasswares....I'm just disgusted by the both of you. Why is it the 2 of them who don't deserve to attend DnD attended the DnD? Spoilt my appetite for this year DnD.

Experience is important assets. Continuing to gain experience is even more important. I'm glad that the 3 of us survive the training and is doing quite well =) Something which you failed..Oops... even the newcomer that came in together with you also find you weird like to push things around. I didn't know until recently.

A not so special DnD... Still missed my DnD2007 because the Lucky draw no. is same as last year 46!! and it's table 2 but same position as table 8 last year. I took the same old seat. wahaha.. okay la.. I did enjoy my day.. I drank alot alot alot...with the process chemist and Stephanie haha...I am lucky =) I won a camera leh with my lucky no. 46 =)
come to think of it, the 30 dollar voucher is still with me haha.. lucky lucky... haha..

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