30 March 2008


7 months.

Yes.. that's really fast. Thinking back... when I just started out, it was kind of tough actually. In all things, the beginning is the hardest. =)

From waking up at 5a.m to shower to leave the house latest by 6.20am in order to catch the co. bus. Previously working as a OL, now as a Lab analyst (Sound nicer) okay la..another more 'uncle name' for this position is Lab technician. I just find the word technician so man! Office job to lab job.. no link at all. I was quite worried that I couldn't manage because, when you observed them (daphne and pw) working.. they are like robots who works very very very fast. Routine jobs are like that, once you get familar with your work, know the workflow, you can manage it well and get the job done fast and the rest of the time is up to you to manage (breaks, training etc..)

Guess all my happy friends know that I'm working with Daphne. At that point of time, our team, Team D, is the only team don't have a male lab tech. Each team only have 2 lab tech ya. The plan is to have 1 male and 1 female so that the male can do things like changing gas cylinder, carry carboy. After the senior from Team D left, which I came over to replace him. I have the luxury to learn at my own pace because there'll be another senior to do O.T to cover. Back then the workload is like 30% more than current workload. So 3 person in the morning shift to clear the first wave of samples.

I take things for granted initially, because they said that just keep doing and you'll remember the workflow. Therefore, I only manage to work like a normal lab tech only after 2 months after running shift. So you all know ya... I owed daphne alot coz she's doing almost 70-80% of the job for 1 whole month(Oct when no more 3 person per team). Working with new comer is like that one, for the past 2 months or so, I'm like in her position back then, now Daphne is back to her position when she just started working with me coz both of us attached to newcomer. It's just a matter of time...

It's nice working with her as we have the bonding there... knowing each other working style.. mo qi...so we actually have more time to rest than now. haha...that's when we don't feel so tired working coz... we work hard, play hard together. We crap alot with the 8 - 5pm people in the lab.. our lab become so happening at times. lolx. thanks to us

The good thing abt us in a team will be, when equipment failure, we will troubleshoot together and hopefully get something done despite being the most junior. We both hope to work together again to learn together should any instrument suay suay got problem during our shift.

Currently, I'm in team B, working with an experience new comer. All I can say is, we have a value-added guy to join us, to make things easier for us. Independent learner(10 yr of exp), he's already got the hang of running the samples now. I've learnt alot from him, so nothing to complain ya except one time they called during 12 plus to ask how to troubleshoot IC and that very night I didn't sleep yet need to work the next day morning. So unhealthy of me... now I actually put my phone to silent mode at times, some msg/calls from some old friends were being ignored. Not deliberately one, just too tired to answer / reply msg. Sorry.....

Daphne actually told venga that she wants me to return to Team D, that's my idea also ... not too sure how things will go about. Then maybe, another newcomer liyan can join Team A so that Ivan can take care of her too.

Hope things get better... =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things will definately get better for all of us- the happy 6 frens~
