30 March 2006

81st Entry:- You Know what is Depression?

Went to borrow books last Friday If I'm not wrong. Well, I went back to school to retrieve my Admin Card right? Therefore, visit the library as well. Borrow a few books, anyhow choose one. Haha.

Then I read the content page. Hm... interest me a little but that didn't last long. Soon after reading a few pages I skipped and took out another book. haha. However, while accompany mum folding those incense paper for the prayers I took out the book which talks about Health and read it again. So I came across this page talking about mental health and stress reduction.

Quote from the experts ' mental health is defined as the ability to preceive reality as it is, to respond to its challenges, and to develop rational strategies for living.' Emotional Health or the ability to deal constructively with reality, regardless of whether the actual situation is good or bad.

As usual I skipped some pages then until I saw this section Physical illness.
-Lack of interest
-change in appetite
-changes in sleep pattern
-loss of energy
-blaming self unappropriately
-negative feelings of self-worth
-feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and worry
-inability to concentrate
-morbid thoughts -talks or write about death, overreacts to someone's death
-aggressive or negative behavior
-and alot more

Nevermind, I shall stop thinking about problems. Be rational ba shu mei. Think of Solutions!!

Did some tidying up recently. At times, I will just take out this particular blue color bk to write down my feelings. Then I realised that at times my 6th sense also quite true. No point crying over spilled milk. Life goes on.

相爱的两个人终究会相逢 不管绕行再远的路最后还是会回来 - Stairway from Heaven

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